V2280 Imaging Diagnostic Wheel Alignment System
We’ve combined advanced wheel alignment technology with the easiest-to-use software interface on the John Bean® V2280 wheel aligner machine. Premium technology without the premium price.
The V2280 from John Bean allows shops to perform revenue-boosting alignment services without the need for extensive technician training or bulky equipment while ensuring customer satisfaction.
Keep productivity high with our fast compensation feature that allows technicians to move through the alignment steps quickly and accurately. Automatic camera tracking removes the need for adjusting the beam height, saving valuable time. Our advanced notification system will compensate for almost any error made during the alignment in real-time, reducing the potential for errors by providing the necessary steps for corrective action if needed.
Every step of our easy-to-use software was designed for efficiency and maximum output, allowing you to bring more revenue into your shop.
Automatic camera tracking eliminates the need to readjust the cameras after raising the lift, it retains ultimate accuracy while moving the vehicle.
Eliminate manual data entry, speed up measuring, and increase accuracy using our specially designed, optional Ride Height Targets.
The optional mobility kit allows you to mount the cross-beam to the cabinet for flexible installation and usage, enabling you to move the system around the shop freely and out of the way as needed.
Easily share service reports with your customers via email or print from anywhere in the shop.
Advanced vehicle dimensioning, including Cross Dimensions measurements to identify frame or structural damage before alignment adjustments are made, and Wheel Diameter to identify mismatched tire sizes, a potential cause of vehicle pulling and drive train damage.
Our advanced software makes it easy to quickly and accurately measure toe angle, allowing technicians to turn the wheel to access challenging adjustment points without using a steering wheel holder.
Our exclusive Vehicle Orientation Directional Indicator (VODI) guides technicians through the measurement process when the monitor is not in view, with simple, easy-to-follow red and green LED lighting; reducing the amount of time spent walking back and forth from the vehicle to the aligner.
Video speed cameras constantly monitor the alignment and immediately detect common environmental conditions or vehicle problems that can cause maladjustments.
The aligner is network-connected, allowing technicians to access alignment repair information from Mitchell1 in just a few clicks.
Fast and easy to use with self-centering design, two-sided claws provide reliable clamping, even over hub caps.
- EZ-Toe
- A-Arm
- Cradle
- Single Tie Rod
- Drag Link
- Elevated
- Help Videos
- Parts Calculator
- Parts & Tools
- Wheels Off
- Mitchell1® Adjust Assistance
- Max Turn
- Toe Out On Turns
- Manual Ride Height
- TIP Target Ride Height
- Frame Angle
- On-Demand Ride Height